Let Summer Begin

It was 2 am when I first decided to write a new blog post, just after I finished turning in all of my assignments and papers for my last ever spring semester of college! (Dancing lady emoji). To celebrate, as we all would have guessed, I am now sitting outside of a Starbucks, sipping a vanilla blonde latte, enjoying the weirdly muggy/breezy Tulsa weather. A lot of my friends will be graduating tomorrow, and it hasn't really hit me yet; I met most of these friends during my sophomore year, two years ago, but it just seems like we've been friends forever. And soon, this December, I too will be done with college! (Another dancing lady emoji). So crazy.

This summer, I will be taking two classes at a local community college back home and working at a bookstore until it's time to come back for the fall semester. What do I plan on reading over the summer? Well, funny you should ask! I really want to read books that I'm not used to reading (i.e., nonfiction). I mean, obviously I will be reading some fiction books, but I wanted to broaden my horizons this summer. 

Fiction reads:  

  • The Fates Divide by Veronica Roth. I mean, I have to find out what happens to Cyra and Akos. Although, I'll probably have to refresh my memory on all the Carve the Mark lingo. 
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling. I read the first six books last summer (and don't worry, I've seen the movies, so there are no such things as HP spoilers for me).
  • Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. This is one of my required readings for a class in the fall, and I wanted to get a jumpstart on the readings. 
  • The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. This is another required reading for the same course I'm referring to above. I'm especially excited to read this one, because (this may sound like a weird reason to be excited to read a book) the last line in the novel is so beautiful
  • 1984 by Geoge Orwell. Classic. And it's a classic.
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. I read about half of this book pretty quickly for a book club, but I want to read it again and take my time the second time around.
  • Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. I know, I know, how have I not already read this? 

Nonfiction reads: 

  • The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories by Marina Keegan. This book looks incredible, and Marina sounds like she was an amazing person. This book is a compilation of essays and stories written by the Yale graduate that was published after she died. 
  • Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. I know, I'm late to the game. 
  • Rising Strong by Brené Brown. I've already started this one and am only in the introduction (it's a long introduction, mind you), but I already know that it'll be a good read. 
  • Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Again, I've already started this one, and it's kind of a tough read so far. But, I've really enjoyed her podcast and think her writing style is beautiful. 
  • On Writing by Stephen King. I have maybe 50 pages left of this book and it's SO GOOD.
  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. Well, I'm an introvert, so I'm interested in knowing more about my personality type. 
  • My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem. I recently watched a documentary that featured an interviewed with the author and activist, and I think this would be a very interesting read. 


As you can see, I have my work cut out for me this summer. I'll keep you all updated on which ones I actually read and what I think about them. Have a happy summer!

Reagan Fleming

Technically a Senior?

Let's recap:

Almost as soon as I hit the middle-marker for the fall semester (my last semester of junior year - I know, I'm confusing), I spilled coffee on my laptop. And yes, it was completely fried. No, I did not save any of my work on an external drive or even Google Docs, and yes, this was insanely dumb. Did I completely lose all of my important documents, including the book I was working on? Yes. Sadly, the way that I ruined my computer isn't even a good story: 

I was at Starbucks with some friends, and the barista gave me a venti americano instead of a grande. When we sat down to do homework, I sat with one friend, and the other friend was at a table by herself. That friend at the table by herself started talking about a TLC show she watched, and my ears immediately perked up because I'm a sucker for TLC reality shows. I turned to tell her a funny little quip about the show and somehow hooked my arm around the cup and knocked it onto my computer. Miraculously, the lid didn't fall off, but only a tablespoon or so of coffee fell on the keys. But, it was enough for the computer to never fully turn on again. (Cue Sarah McLachlan). I was so in shock at what had just happened that when the barista came over to make conversation and check in, I was completely silent. 

Now, fast forward to the tail-end of the spring semester, and I'm officially a first-semester senior! (Insert a fun little jig). It's kind of surreal, actually, because after the next summer and fall semesters, I will be a college graduate. Woah.  

This semester has been the best semester thus far; I feel like I have grown as a person, student, and writer. And I've finally updated some things on my website! Hello, new "Words" folder! Here, I have 3 pages that you can peruse through; the "Poems" page, "Essays" page (which I will post essays on shortly), and the "Published Works" page. 

Currently, I am...

Reading: The Spectacular Now by Tim Tharp 

I'm reading this book for my Young Adult Literature class and using it as a primary source for my senior paper. (Let me just pause for a moment and say how great it is to be studying things in college that I truly enjoy.) It's a really good book, but it's a fantastic movie that stars Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller. Fun fact: it was produced by the same movie production company as Lady Bird!

Listening to: Troye Sivan and Dermot Kennedy

Honestly, I never get sick of Troye's music - please, oh please, go on tour.

Watching: 30 Rock and new episodes of New Girl

I mean, did we really think that I wouldn't be watching 30 Rock all the days of my life? And the newest season of New Girl isn't terrible! 

Reagan Fleming

Poetry Pieces

I knew I should've written it down;

I lost my thoughts again

think I was right thinking

too much into it

I float

I exist in the tornado

eyes once searching, 

now vacant lots to a 

dilapidated building

I like your brokenness.


just as deep.

I am waiting for the floor to crumble

the ceiling to collapse 

not knowing which step is final

which ankle will roll this time

like coffee is my bloodline,

I'm nervous everywhere; 

waves come crashing, no

stillness in the waters today

for now, I'm perfectly happy 

being not so happy about

being not so happy

Reagan Fleming